As this blog is dedicated to some of the things I learn and find interesting, in this post I am going to share some of the things I learned from and their effect on me.

Inspirational Books, Podcasts, and Videos

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately, namely the Founders podcast by David Senra, as well as watching a few interviews and reading a few books.

The subject of the media I’ve been more focused on lately has been on one entrepreneur in particular; Elon Musk.

For those who do not know, Elon Musk is known as the founder/co-founder of several well-known companies:

  • Founder and Lead Designer, SpaceX; a leader in rocket technology manufacturing and the first successful commercial space company
  • Co-Founder and Product Architect, Tesla Motors; leader in completely electronic car manufacturing and design
  • Co-founder, Pay-Pal; a revolutionary online transaction service

If you’ll notice, these are some of the most industry shocking companies in existence right now.

The book, Elon Musk: Tesla, SpaceX, and the Quest for a Fantastic Future by Ashlee Vance, is one of the best biographies I’ve ever read and gives a fantastic insight into the life of Elon – and the struggles he faced with these company’s early days.

It also really inspires you to want to achieve more in your life and just be more productive with your time.

You can purchase the book on Amazon here.

If you ever think your schedule is busy and you don’t have enough time in your day, you need to read this because I promise you will never complain about it again. (and maybe it will inspire you to add even more to your schedule as it did for me)

David also does a few episodes on Elon that I find to give great insight on him and his story.


David combines a casual podcast feel with highlights and focused takeaways on many books. He makes you feel as if you’re hanging out with him and having a conversation, which I really like. He goes through each book he has read and connects key ideas and interesting facts to make a really great and often humorous listening experience that you can learn a LOT from. He is actually the one who inspired me to buy Vance’s book, and I highly recommend checking out his podcasts, the links are below.

Apple Podcast users can click here.

Spotify users can click here.

My Vision for Our Future

My ideas for the future of humanity parallel Elon’s in many ways and I’ve had these ideas for the better part of my life, probably stemming from my early interest in NASA and my favorite video game series Halo.

My version of humanity’s future goes something like this;

Humans have finally become a multiplanetary species. We’ve colonized Mars, the Moon, and have set up many space stations throughout the solar system.

Earth has stopped the use of fossil fuels and have discovered/invented alternative energy solutions that are NOT harmful to the environment.

Cities get revamped with tech that helps with crumbling/outdated infrastructure and updated with future designs in everything from roads to layouts that maximize everyday efficiency.

Spaceflight costs no more than a standard airline ticket does now and is readily available to anyone who wants it.

The job market and economy booms with the formation of many space companies and jobs. Including, but not limited to:

  • Space travel
  • Cargo transit
  • Space construction
  • High demand for engineers
  • Spacecraft pilots and crew
  • Orbital and extra-terrestrial real estate
  • Space tourism and hotel management

The main driving force of humans is the benefit of humans in the long-term and the sustainability practices that ensure maximized efficiency, minimal harmful environmental impact, and the increased potential for human survival.

We all stop seeing each other as so different and start seeing each other as one species.

Also, to focus our time and energy not on how to kill one another but how to help the third-world countries and inspire people to WANT to work for something.

We all need to be not just on the same page, but in the same book; one called The Existence of Homo Sapiens and their Lasting Success in the Cosmos.

I know this sounds like science fiction, but we could very well be on our way to this in a few years and the implementation of ALL of these in space.

That’s why I give so much credit to people out there trying to make the world better.

Recognizing something so much bigger than themselves and actually going and changing it.

Something to think about.

How I decided on Life

As I’ve previously stated, I’ve been struggling for quite a while now in deciding what I want to spend the rest of my life doing because I have so many interests. Each one I would pick would be great for about two weeks, then my interest would fade; just to pick back up a month later.

I’m about two-thirds of the way through Vance’s book, I’ve watched many of the interviews and speeches of Musk online, and I’ve listened to multiple podcasts talking about him.

I’ve concluded that we have a similar goal in mind.

To expand human life and consciousness into space and eventually, out of the solar system.

This, above all else is what inspires me the most and makes me feel the best.

People say it’s crazy and unrealistic, also that there are so many problems here, why not try and solve those first?

Why You Shouldn’t Listen to the Haters

In my opinion the top things that need to be solved on Earth are:

  • Renewable Energy
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Plastic Pollution
  • Global Poverty

The main thing is that solutions to these problems are likely going to happen. Renewable energy is becoming more affordable and more practical, governments are initiating single-use plastic bans, etc.

For example, check out this post on plastic bans going into effect.

And this post on renewable energy companies.

What is, as of right now, not likely and definitely not inevitable is the expansion of humans off of Earth.

Not many people are currently working on this because its expensive and not seen as a necessity.

If you look back into the Age of Exploration, initially governments AND companies did not see the benefit of exploring and it was very expensive to charter expeditions far away.

Nevertheless, explorers convinced investors to fund a few trips and then you have a chain reaction of discoveries happening, with the result a few centuries later being a two-fold size increase in what we perceived the world to be.

The Future is What You Make it

One of SpaceX’s visions is posted on their website and says, “SpaceX was founded under the belief that a future where humanity is out exploring the stars is fundamentally more exciting than one where we are not.”

I firmly believe this; to me it would be very disappointing if in my lifetime we did not achieve a colony on Mars and beyond – as that is the next frontier in human exploration.

Elon has this goal in mind, and he is actively pursuing it right now, people called him crazy and said he would never succeed and yet here he is.

You absolutely cannot listen to what people say because if you do, you will lose all of your inspiration.

They are not the one’s with ideas.

And just because they failed at something doesn’t mean you will.

And if you do, don’t give up.

SpaceX’s first three launches failed, and they just barely had enough money to scrape a fourth one together.

If Elon would have gone by conventional wisdom that told him to stop blowing up money, he would have said alright, we should probably stop.

But they didn’t stop.

They launched a fourth rocket and broke all conventions of the aerospace industry and became the first private company in history to get a liquid-fueled rocket into orbit.

Among many other first achievements.

Just read their Wikipedia page here.

How Can I be a Part of Humanity’s Future?

I want to be a part of this; I want to contribute to the expansion of humanity in space and help in any way I can to get us there.

My plan involves learning a great deal about a lot of different things.

Receiving an engineering degree, learning about orbital dynamics, being fluent in calculus and physics.

Some people are content with working for 40+ years then retiring and watching TV every night until they die of old age.

That sounds awful to me personally, but if it’s what you are happy with then by all means.

If I can become a valuable person to have around in such a company, I would love to work for any of them that are trying to better us as a whole, even if it means working long hours and whatnot because the goal will be something great.

Maybe, just maybe, if all goes well and this becomes a reality I might too just retire and watch TV.

But I’ll be on Mars.


Does anyone else think about this all the time?

What are some ideas you guys might have about the future in general?

I’d love to hear some responses from you guys so feel free to reach out!

As always, thanks for checking out the blog.


Space Station Image Courtesy of NASA via Flickr

Plastic Pollution Image Courtesy of Emilian Robert Vicol via Flickr

SpaceX Images Courtesy of SpaceX via Flickr