
Welcome to my blog! I’ve been wanting to do this for a LONG time but haven’t ever done it, so here we are now.

Ever since I was a kid I have had such a diverse range of interests from space to animals to computers and anthropology. My favorite channel as a kid was National Geographic, I would come home from school and turn it on so I wouldn’t miss the Pyramids of Giza special or treks through the Amazon rainforest. I remember the biggest things that grabbed my attention were space and the ocean; living on Florida’s treasure coast really was a good spot for both.

Photo Credit: (NASA/Bill Ingalls)

As long as I can remember there were rocket launches visible from the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral and I would be enraptured by the sight of a rocket shooting into space. As for the ocean, I grew up 15 minutes from the beach.

Why Start Now?

The whole reason for me to start this blog is because after I graduated high school in 2017 I took the Fall semester off to work. During those short few months I realized how easy it is to just fall into a routine of working and paying bills with no personal growth or career growth as I was working in a restaurant. It really scared me, and gave me a whole new perspective on education; one where I respected it’s purpose and benefits and not as an expectation, I genuinely want to learn now.


In high school, I really slacked off – I mean bad too. I missed a lot of school and was late almost every day because I felt like it. I just didn’t care about school and my plan at the time was to go into the Navy as a Nuclear Engineer and I was just awaiting graduation to go so I figured I didn’t need to get ready for college or anything.

It was very stupid of me but hey it happened. As it turns out I didn’t join the Navy for various reasons and I do partially regret it but it’s in the past now and I’ve since moved on.

What am I up to now?

The last two years have been a rollercoaster of indecisiveness; I’ve been through three jobs currently on a fourth, and I’ve switched my major from firefighting to automotive to music (I’ve been in band since 6th grade). Right now I’m playing saxophone in both Wind and Jazz ensembles at Indian River State College, pursuing my associate’s degree in Music.

I am definitely enjoying it and it’s great being back in an ensemble, however, I don’t believe I want to continue on with Music right now. As I’ve already said, I have many, many interests that I want to pursue.

Lightbulb Learner

Which brings me to the blog. While I finish my degree in Music, I want to learn a plethora of other things, photography, Spanish, freediving, computer coding, investing etc. So, my goal for this blog is to document my journey on each of the learning processes.

As I learn photography, for example, I will post some of my pictures with the settings, post links to my resources that I’ve used to learn, and some of the products even that I’ve purchased with my thoughts on them.

This will help me in the future looking back, and will hopefully help you, the reader, in learning as well. As it will condense my research into one area for you to read and learn through.

How you (the reader) can contribute

My biggest struggle for this blog will be committing to posting and actually taking the time out to learn and read things, so as a reader, if you comment, post, email me with any tips you have in your learning or questions to clarify, the engagement will help motivate me to make progress.

Additionally, if you want to collaborate with me, for example, in photography and want to do a photo shoot, or want to go SCUBA/freediving, don’t be afraid to ask! 

It’s going to be a fun learning experience and hopefully we can get something out of it.

Thanks for reading (if you still are) and thanks for checking out my blog!



Space Shuttle Image © (NASA/Bill Ingalls) via Flickr

Sax Image © Jimmy Baikovicius via Flickr


One Reply to “Introduction”

  1. 🎼 … Interesting … ♡ …

    🎶 … All The Best … ♡ …

    🎵 … And,- Good Luck … ♡ …

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